Sunday 22 July 2012

Day 7 - One week down, hell yeah!

Woke up from my post nightshift slumber feeling awesome, well aside from a very sore calf, but more stretching and pain relief will sort that out! Initially I was planning on making a beef mince scramble for breakfast/lunch, only to realise after prepping all the other ingredients that I used the last of the mince the other day, damn! So improvisation was required and it actually turned out quite nicely :)

Left overs scramble: Serves 1

2 whole eggs + 1 egg white whisked
1/4 red onion diced
1 mushroom diced
1/4 red capsicum diced
3/4 cup of grated sweet potato
1/2 avo sliced
20g Roast turkey breast (that's all I had left in the fridge)
Salt and pepper
1tsp coconut oil

Heat the coconut oil in a fry pan and throw in the onion, mushrooms, capsicum and sweet potato. Cook for around 5 mins (until the onion is starting to brown) pour in the whisked eggs and gently push them around the pan, being careful not to over work them. Once the eggs are cooked, place it all in a bowl and top with sliced avo and turkey, season with salt and pepper, done!

Caught up with Nick and James for today's WOD of 21-15-9 of HSPU and thrusters (I scaled to pike push ups on a box) with a 100m sandbag carry at the start of each round.  First time using sandbags and they actually weren't too bad, I may not be saying that when I have to carry a heavier one next time though lol. After the workout we exchanged recipes, such food nerds lol. The guys had some really good ones, which I will be trying in the next week, stay tuned! I forgot to take a post workout meal with me, but had a coconut water, so guess that was better than nothing...

For dinner I made a black angus serloin steak grilled in some coconut oil seasoned with salt and pepper with garlic and chive cauliflower mash and grilled asparagus.

Garlic and chive cauliflower mash: Serves 1
About 2 cups of chopped up cauliflower into some boiling water until soft.  drain and return to the pot. Add 1/2 tsp of garlic powder and a Tbsp of chopped chives. Mash until smooth. 

Something informative:

Something Random:

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