Saturday 28 July 2012

Day 13 - Super Saturday!

Saturday's off work are the best, as I get to go to the sat sesh at Roar followed by coffee and breaky at elixir :) It was a huge class this morning and always a great fun vibe. Pre workout I  had some turkey breast and a couple of apple bombs. The WOD was 1km run, 50 V ups, 50 lunges, 50 pull ups, 50 lunges, 50 V ups, 1km run for time. I scaled the V ups to ab mat sit ups, used a green band for pull ups and did a row instead of the run. Came in at 24.12, not cut off, so scaled appropriately, win! At elixir I had 2 poached eggs, avo, grilled tomato and mushrooms with a black coffee.

For lunch today I had the remainder of the roast beetroot, sweet potato and salmon salad with some eggplant grilled in coconut oil. 

I decided to head out to Westfield this afternoon for the first time since starting the whole30.  It was actually harder than I thought walking around amongst all the food and smells...  When I used to go out there I would always head to Starbucks for an iced mocha and the cookie shop to get some mini cookies (there mini, so that's ok right..? haha) In the end I just grabbed what I needed and bailed before I cracked lol.  When I got home I had some nuts and a coconut water to satisfy my cravings. 

For dinner we had a whole30 BBQ, Nick cooked up some grass fed black angus sirloin steaks, onion and a tossed salad of spinach, red onion, mushrooms and tomatoes.  James and Brittany made a super yummy potato salad which had sweet potato, apple, eggs and a paleo mayo based dressing.  Once I get the recipe from him I'll post it up.  I made a apple and mixed berry crumble for desert.  Whoever criticises the whole30/paleo for the lack of food choices should have tasted our dinner! 

Apple and mixed berry crumble:
1 tin of sliced apples (Woolworth's brand has no sugar or preservatives)
3 cups of frozen mixed berries
3/4 cup of almond meal
1 cup of shredded coconut
1 tablespoon of organic cacao powder
1/2 cup of crushed walnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

In a oven proof bowl spread the apples to evenly cover the base then sprinkle with cinnamon.  Next top with a layer of mixed berries (I used the Nana brand with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries) in a separate bowl mix together the almond meal, coconut, and cacao powder and spread over the berries.  Finally sprinkle the crushed walnuts over the top and bake in the oven at 160 degrees for about 15 mins or until the top starts to turn golden brown.

After dinner we headed out to meet up with some of the crossfit crew to celebrate Craig's 25th Birthday.  Was a great night, nice to see everyone letting their hair down and dressed up :) Started off just drinking soda water with either lemon or lime, but then James had a great idea of seeing if they would put some muddled berries in with it.  The result was a really nice refreshing drink, the bar tender did ask me a couple of times if I wanted alcohol in it though lol. 

When I got home I was a little peckish after watching everyone eat red velvet cake and had a handful of nuts and about 8 strawberries before bed.

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