Saturday 21 July 2012

Day 6 - So far, so good :)

Last night shift, yay!!!!! I have no idea how people who work nights all the time do it... I only have 4 a month and that's def enough for me!

I've been trying to think of different things to have for breakfast and thought of this one last night :) I'm calling it a breaky wrap, but not the type you can pick up and eat as the egg would just fall apart. My next task will be finding a way to make a paleo/whole30 approved wrap!

2 whole eggs + 1 egg white lightly whisked
1/4 red onion sliced
2 mushrooms peeled and sliced
1 Roma tomato diced
1/2 an avo cubed
Handful of baby spinach leaves
Sliced roast turkey breast
2tsp coconut oil
Salt and pepper

Heat 1tsp of coconut oil in a small fry pan cook the onion and mushrooms until golden and then place on paper towel to absorb excess liquid from the mushrooms. Heat the remaining coconut oil in a large fry pan and pour in the eggs. Swirl the pan to spread the eggs out evenly over the base. Once set, gently slide onto a plate and place all the filings down the centre. Keep a little left over to place on top (when I made it I actually put it all in the egg wrap and when I rolled it some fell out, thats why it's on top in the pic lol) season with salt and pepper, Enjoy!

Today's WOD was 5 rounds of 20 kettle bell swings, 20 overhead plate lunges, 20 double unders and 20 sit ups. Stupid calf started hurting again on the warm up run, but made it through! Plenty of stretching and a heat pack tonight at work will hopefully help. Other than the calf, felt pretty good though, managed all the kb swings unbroken, time to go up to a heavier one next time :)

Dinner was nice and simple tonight, had a craving for salmon so grilled up a salmon fillet in some coconut oil with a little salt, pepper and the juice of a 1/4 lemon. Threw together a salad of baby spinach, mushroom, red capsicum, kalamata olives and avo which I also dressed with the juice of a 1/4 of a lemon. Really easy, but oh so tasty.

Came across this the other day, interesting...