Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day 2

So I was in quite a bit of pain when I woke up this morning. While my level of enthusiasm was on a huge high after watching some amazing feats on the crossfit games, 3 wods on the first day wasn't such a great idea lol.

After talking myself into getting out of bed into the cold air, I cooked up a mushroom omlette for breaky with half an avo. Unfortunately I was so hungry and in a morning daze so forgot to take a pic before I scoffed it in 5 mins flat! I picked up my morning coffee from elixir on the way to work (great way to start the day) Was a pretty busy shift today and by the time I got to my morning tea break I was so hungry! The small banana and some mixed nuts barely cut it..

Lunch today was left over roast veggies with a grilled chicken breast and an apple.

I think it may have been the fact that I didn't incorporate enough fat into my meal that I was again so hungry by 3pm. When I got home from work I had some roast turkey breast and some carrot sticks with almond butter which hit the spot!

Body was feeling a bit better by the afternoon and decided to go to the 5pm class for a 12 min AMRAP of 10 SDHP (I did 30kg) followed by 12 burpees. I managed 4 rounds , 6 burpees, a big thanks to Hannah Courtney for keeping me going :) the finisher was max jumping lunges in 3 mins, ended up with 81. My post workout meal was a boiled egg, some roast turkey and roast sweet potato.

It's always a rush to get from training to Army on a Tuesday night, so for dinner I had a serving of my Pumpkin soup and took some strawberries and blueberries for a snack. Pretty hungry on the way home, but resisted the urge to snack when I got home :)

Early training sesh in the morning,

Night All!

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