Thursday 26 July 2012

Day 11

So good to get a little sleep in this morning! Up with plenty of time for breaky before heading to the 9:30 class at Roar. I know I talked about backing off the training a little yesterday, but had already planned on making Friday a rest day because of my physio appointment, so its all good :) Also, today's WOD was a 10 min AMRAP of 12 push press and 10 wall balls with a finisher of handstand hold, all things I need to work on, so didn't want to miss it.

For breakfast I made a mushroom omelet with 1/2 avo, some halved grape tomatoes and 2 slices of nitrate free bacon on the side. Normally I make my omelets with 2 whole eggs and 1 egg white, but I accidentally dropped the 3rd yolk in the bowl, so today's was a 3 egg omelet lol.

Today's training session was good, nice to change it up a little and go to a different class, get to see some new faces :) Feeling more confident with attempting handstands and not so scared about falling on my head! After training I had a boiled egg and some sweet potato, then headed round to elixir for a coffee with the group. I also had some fruit salad while I was there, which meant I wasn't hungry before heading to work at 12:30 so didn't force myself to have lunch.

One habit I'm really trying to break on this whole30 is eating just because the clock says it's "meal time". Most of us are bought up this way and to always finish what's on our plates or we don't get dessert lol. Now I'm starting to listen to my body more and it will certainly tell me when it's hungry, some days I might not have lunch until 2pm. Or like today, didn't need it at all. When my afternoon break came around I had some carrot sticks with almond, cashew and brazil nut spread, some salmon in spring water, I had planned on getting some steamed veggies from the cafeteria to go with it, but the one day I want them, they cook the veggies in oil, so bought a banana instead. For dinner I had some of the left over Thai green chicken curry from last night and a pear.

When I got home from work I had a little blow out on carrot sticks and ABC spread and now feeling a bit sick lol, so addictive!  After I finish the jar I might have to wait a few days before buying another one. 

Well that's it for today, night all! :)

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