Monday 6 August 2012

Day 22

7am start this morning, so up at 5:30, heated up some frittata for breaky and a pear and passionfruit green tea. I cut up some carrot and red capsicum sticks for morning tea as today is the first day of no fruit, nuts or bacon (forgot to mention bacon yesterday) for the remainder of whole30. 

For lunch I took a small container of shepherd's pie and got a big serve of steamed veggies from the hospital cafe. 

The toughest time was when I got home from work, normally for my arvo snack I'd just grab some nuts or a piece of fruit.  As soon as I walked through the door I boiled up a couple of eggs and also tried out the method of cooking them in a muffin tray in the oven.  Unfortunately cooking them in the oven didn't work out so well... I followed the instructions, but the part of the eggs that was touching the actual tray was very over cooked.  I won't completely give up, I'll try it again for less time and see how that goes. My snack was a boiled egg and some sweet potato.

Today's WOD was a 15min AMRAP of 14 OH lunges 15kg, 10 burpees and 8 pull ups (I used green band).  Managed 4 rounds + 8 burpees, I struggled with the lunges as my quad was really sore today, not sure what I did to aggravate it, but getting really frustrated! We did a finisher of max distance plate carry in 4 mins with a 15kg plate and for this one I got 450m.

After training I called into zone fresh to pick up a couple of things then headed home and made some wagyu topside and veggie skewers.  The meat was already diced which made it a lot quicker, I just cut up some red onion, mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant and red capsicum.  I cooked them in the griddle pan with a little coconut oil, but they didn't cook really well, as some of the pieces of meat weren't touching the pan, so had to finish them off under the grill in the oven.  When I cook up the left overs tomorrow I'll use the BBQ.

After dinner I had a craving for something sweet and decided to try and make a whole30 hot chocolate.  I just used about 75ml of coconut milk 1 teaspoon of organic cacao powder and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.  I then filled the remainder of the cup with boiling water and stirred it really well.  Actually wasn't too bad, I'll make that one again :)

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